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Peruvian boy

In less than 48 hours, my family and I will be moving to Lima, Peru. We will be working towards a brand new church planting initiative we have called MULTIPLi. The one message we have consistently sent over the past few years to the young men and women we disciple is this: “Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain…” We DO NOT transform hearts and we DO NOT plant churches. Only God’s spirit can do the work of birthing hearts and planting houses of worship. What we have been given, however, is the authority to ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers and shepherds for his great harvest. This is exactly what we plan to do…WITH BOLDNESS.  Please join us in praying these four prayers over the coming weeks, months and years. We are asking the Father of Glory to “Light a LAMP” of His presence through MULTIPLi. We trust that God will honor each and every time you utter these words with a believing and bold heart. Thank you in advance for joining us in this great adventure.

1. Leadership Culture From Matthew 9:35-38, Ephesians 1:17-18  “Father, your heart is broken for the people of Earth because many are harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. Today we petition you again as the Lord of the Harvest to raise up workers that are filled with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your Son. Spirit of God blow on the eyes of the global workers that will be raised up through MULTIPLi that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened towards the hope which we have been called. Raise up an inheritance that is filled with the same power that conquered the grave and walks as if they were from another age for another age. Thank you Father of Glory that we can trust you for a culture of Leadership that will be raised up in Peru and beyond.  In Jesus name and for His glory, Amen.”

2. Assistance Culture From Isaiah 58, James 1:19, Luke 18:1-8 “Father, your word says that pure and undefiled religion is caring for orphans and widows and keeping ourselves unpolluted from the world’s culture. It is at the core of your heart and mission to raise up cultures of assistance through your emboldened bride. Thank you that you are the God who blesses the hungry and gives them the kingdom. Thank you that you are the God who prepares places for the homeless refugee. Thank you that you clothe the naked sinner with your own flesh and blood through the cross of Christ. Thank you sweet Spirit that you bring justice speedily to your elect who cry out for you day and night. Father, we ask that You would raise up a culture of assistance in keeping with your character through MULTIPLi. This is who you are, and this is what you did and do. Jesus, re-create a church planting movement empowered by your example that acts as your hands and feet among the hurting and hopeless. Great Helper of mankind, raise up a culture of helpers who bear your image. 

3. Marketplace Culture From Genesis 1:28, Matthew 25 “Father, much of your Son’s work was done in the public domains. Many of your parables used economic terms to teach us about the Kingdom of Heaven. From talents to treasure in a field, you understood that places of monetary exchange were battlegrounds for two kingdoms. Your word teaches where our treasure is there our heart will be found also. Therefore we ask for a marketplace culture to emerge through MULTIPLi. We are praying their treasures and their talents would be submitted under the allegiance of the living God. We ask you for great influence in the public spheres of society, so that your kingdom can fulfill its mission of transforming cities and nations from the inside out. Father, the original mandate you gave mankind was to take the seed currency you gave us and to become fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. Cause those involved with MULTIPLi and the marketplace to grasp Your heart for the seed of influence you have placed in their lives. Cause them to come to the knowledge of who they are and what they carry in the Kingdom of Heaven. Thank you Father, raise up men (and women) and money through the marketplaces of Peru and beyond that will cry our for the coming of a Kingdom and a King who is worthy. 

4. Prayer Culture From Isaiah 56:7, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Hebrews 11:6 “Father, you called what you are building through Jesus a “house of prayer” for all nations. We ask you boldly to raise up a culture of prayer through MULTIPLi in Peru and beyond. Raise up houses of prayer that are both attractional and missional for your name’s sake.  Father, cause each and every church that is planted through MULTIPLi to be a host of your presence that the nations may know that you exist and that you are a rewarder of those who diligently seek you. Father, make it a matter of first importance that a culture of prayer is raised around kings and all who are in high positions of leadership. Draw people to a place of humility and seeking your face as a response to the great commandment to love you with all our hearts. Father, cause all involved in the MULTIPLi story to believe deeply that if we will humble ourselves, pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked ways that you will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. Make this a reality among the MULTIPLi culture. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name we ask you for these dreams, Amen. 

