Thank you for taking a few minutes to connect with us. In 2008, I visited India and met Divya, a young lady who helped me see the world through new eyes. As we walked through her village, I saw the deep spiritual hunger of her community, where people, as Jesus said, were “like sheep without a shepherd.” This experience changed me, and a few years later, MULTIPLi Global was born with this mandate: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.”
Since 2012, we’ve focused on an incredibly effective approach to advancing the gospel: empowering native leaders who already know the language, culture, and unique needs of their communities. MULTIPLi Global provides critical economic support and leadership development to people in developing nations, equipping them with the tools they need to multiply their impact.
By empowering native leaders who are deeply rooted in their communities, we can quickly overcome cultural and language barriers, making our efforts more efficient and impactful. Supporting these leaders ensures that the gospel is shared in a way that resonates deeply and fosters long-term transformation. Last year alone, we equipped 13 global leaders, who impacted more than 13,000 people with the gospel. But today, there are still 2.9 billion people who have no access to the good news.
In 2025, we’re expanding our efforts. Our goal is to equip 25 leaders across eight nations—Peru, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Germany, Croatia, Spain, and Malawi—to reach more than 25,000 people.
Here’s where you come in. With your monthly partnership, we can provide: