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The following post is taken from a prayer journal I kept in 2001. Literally, this was less than one day before the Father led me to Isaiah 55:3-5 which has become my life verse and has led many decisions since that day. May The Lord encourage you as you take a peek into one of the most important moments of my past. Never underestimate the power of one moment.

December 23, 2001 (Midnight),


I am beginning to see and understand just how great you really are. My heart desires so much, yet I have a lot of doubts. It seems like it is very hard to find what you want for me, or maybe all you want is me. Lord, maybe I haven’t given all of me, but I want to believe completely, not half way. I know my life is for a reason and I do not want to waste it. Do I stop being concerned about my life and know that you will take care of me? Father give me understanding. I believe Lord, and I know you care for me. Please Lord, give me the strength or at least the faith to offer Josh Foliart as a living sacrifice to you. You have revealed your power to me and through me. I have heard testimonies of your love. Father I ask for the discipline to realize when I’m walking in the flesh, that I may stop and remember my vow to you on this night. A vow to offer you my body as a living sacrifice. Your spirit is strong in my ear, give me the strength to listen to you, even when it doesn’t seem logical. Father, you know my heart. You know my fears. I believe you will keep me and complete me until the day of your return. Thank you Jesus. Although I went my own way you died for me. Father you are faithful. Spirit be strong in me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.